Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Chocolate y Churros

I have four things on my agenda to tell you all (my lovely, dedicated readers) about. The first subject on my mind is a seroius topic that deserves everyone´s undivided attention- I just had my first cup of hot Spanish chocolate. Muy importante, ¿no? Please imagine with me for just a moment (just humor me, I´m all the way in Spain, okay?)... are you ready... a cup of hot chocolate that is so thick it can be eaten with a spoon, with the consistency somewhere between hot cocoa and pudding. ¡Wowee! My blood sugar is still reeling from this Spanish delight (my insides are trembling a little), and I didn´t even touch the packet of sugar that came with it. Just when you think that this story couldn´t get any better, or have a happier ending, I´m going to tell you to hold all assumptions and listen up. Next time I go take chocolate I can ask for churros to go with it. Ladies and gentlemen, please hold on to your seats, because churros are sticks of friend dough that you can actually dip into the chocolate. Okay, now you can be jealous that this is at my disposal to order any time I want during business hours. And now, all I ask from anyone is to please hold judgement if I get happily fat here in Spain. (if you do this, you might receive some chocolate y churros in the mail!)

Okay, on to subject number two. I went on a trip this past weekend, and am planning to upload pictures and tell you all about it another day, in another post. Allrighty, on to topic three!

Yesterday, Meara and I went adventuring around the city in between classes. We decided to visit the Plaza de Espana, and it was pretty cool and big.

Four, I´m going to AFRICA this weekend!

1 comment:

Emilee said...

Chelsea! I read this post and realized that I want to come visit you! Maybe I just will someday, after I get a paycheck... AND I remembered that you very much need to come visit me! In fact, you should consider coming during Toussaint! I bet you have holiday for the end of October, right? I do! should think about it.

Also you should read my blog, too!