Day 1- Sevilla to Pisa by Airplane
Pisa to Florence by Train

From the back of the bus in Pisa. The very first picture I took in Italy!

Crossing the bridge in Pisa.

The tower... it's LEANING!!!

Thank goodness Chelsea came by. It might have toppled otherwise!

Pretty great souvenirs...

Before I broke down and bought sexy Italian boots, this was the sad state of my feet.

First train ticket... going from Pisa to Florence. Didn't realize that Florence is called Firenze in Italian... important detail to know when your train stop is the city name.

Meal number 1 in Italy. This is my room mate Meara looking ferociously hungry. And our pizza was, indeed, heart shaped.
Day 2- Exploring FlorenceFirst thing is first, we saw the David. The verdict- No man will ever compare.

We couldn't take pictures inside the museum, so I found this one on the internet.
Then, on to exploring the city. There was an outdoor statue mall.

Death to Centaur by Club!

Death to Mythological character by other mythological character!!!

My first Italian Gellato... fig flavored and heavenly! I will give you a little education on Gellato. First thing is first, you can order a cup or cone. But it's not given to you by scoops, you can choose 2 or 3 or even more flavors... whatever fits inside your cup! And, the flavors are amazing. The flavor you order actually tastes like it's supposed to, because they use real, fresh ingredients. A little hint... when you're trying to choose which gellateria to go to, take a look at the banana flavor as a judge of how good the shop is. If the banana flavor is grey, it's good, and made with fresh bananas. If it's bright yellow (think school bus or caution sign), it comes from a mix, and you don't want it.

Florence! This bridge behind me is pretty darn old. I like the last time it was rebuilt was in the 1300s, but don't quote my numbers as the gospel truth. On the bridge are a ton of expensive jewelry shops, where I lusted after the awesome cameos.

On the bridge with my friend Liza.

Just in case you can't see, it says "Real Python skin!"

Lunch...! Pizza with arugula on top.

And really cheesy yummy gnocchi.

Next, we went to the Uffizi, where once again I couldn't take pictures. But here is a pictures I found on the internet of The Birth of Venus, a famous painting by Botticelli, and one of the many great pieces I saw here.

On he roof of the Uffizi.

"No private university." Interestingly enough, I just gave a presentation 2 days before in one of my classes about the privitazation of Universities in the European Union. I've seen protests in the streets of Sevilla, and aparently it's protested here in Italy, too.

Dinner at Mama Mia's.
Day 3- still in Florence
In front of the Duomo. Please note my awesome Italian boots.

The Duomo, from another angle.
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